7 Simple SQL Select Statements For Everyday Use

The SELECT statement is used to query a database, and it is the most commonly used statement. It is a type of Data manipulation language (DML) statements. Refer here for types of SQL statements.
SELECT can be used to write simple queries as well as complex query. It can also be used with other statements like CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE statements.
Following are a few simple SELECT statements

1. Querying All Columns of a table:
hr@ORA10G> SELECT * FROM jobs;
JOB_ID     JOB_TITLE                           MIN_SALARY MAX_SALARY
---------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------
AD_PRES    President                                20000      40000
AD_VP      Administration Vice President            15000      30000
AD_ASST    Administration Assistant                  3000       6000
FI_MGR     Finance Manager                           8200      16000
FI_ACCOUNT Accountant                                4200       9000
AC_MGR     Accounting Manager                        8200      16000
AC_ACCOUNT Public Accountant                         4200       9000
SA_MAN     Sales Manager                            10000      20000
SA_REP     Sales Representative                      6000      12000
PU_MAN     Purchasing Manager                        8000      15000
PU_CLERK   Purchasing Clerk                          2500       5500
ST_MAN     Stock Manager                             5500       8500
ST_CLERK   Stock Clerk                               2000       5000
SH_CLERK   Shipping Clerk                            2500       5500
IT_PROG    Programmer                                4000      10000
MK_MAN     Marketing Manager                         9000      15000
MK_REP     Marketing Representative                  4000       9000
HR_REP     Human Resources Representative            4000       9000
PR_REP     Public Relations Representative           4500      10500

19 rows selected.

2. Querying Individual Columns:
hr@ORA10G> SELECT job_title, max_salary FROM jobs;
JOB_TITLE                           MAX_SALARY
----------------------------------- ----------
President                                40000
Administration Vice President            30000
Administration Assistant                  6000
Finance Manager                          16000
Accountant                                9000
Accounting Manager                       16000
Public Accountant                         9000
Sales Manager                            20000
Sales Representative                     12000
Purchasing Manager                       15000
Purchasing Clerk                          5500
Stock Manager                             8500
Stock Clerk                               5000
Shipping Clerk                            5500
Programmer                               10000
Marketing Manager                        15000
Marketing Representative                  9000
Human Resources Representative            9000
Public Relations Representative          10500

19 rows selected.

3. Querying Unique or DISTINCT columns:
hr@ORA10G> SELECT DISTINCT max_salary FROM jobs;

13 rows selected.

4. Querying multiple Unique/DISTINCT columns:
hr@ORA10G> SELECT DISTINCT min_salary, max_salary FROM jobs;
---------- ----------
      8200      16000
      4000      10000
      4500      10500
      5500       8500
      9000      15000
      4000       9000
      8000      15000
      2000       5000
     20000      40000
     10000      20000
      6000      12000
      2500       5500
      3000       6000
      4200       9000
     15000      30000

15 rows selected.
Note that here DISTINCT works on both the columns. The rows where both the selected columns are identical are removed. For e.g. the entry {4200, 9000} appears twice in the entire table.

5. SELECT statement with Column Alias:
hr@ORA10G> SELECT job_title AS "Job Designation", max_salary AS maxsal FROM jobs;
Job Designation                         MAXSAL
----------------------------------- ----------
President                                40000
Administration Vice President            30000
Administration Assistant                  6000
Finance Manager                          16000
Accountant                                9000
Human Resources Representative            9000
Public Relations Representative          10500

19 rows selected.
The AS keyword used before the alias is optional. The double quotes (") is mandatory if alias name has space and case preservation is required.

6. Querying with Arithmetic Operators:
hr@ORA10G> SELECT job_title, max_salary + min_salary AS Sum_MaxMin_Sal FROM jobs;
JOB_TITLE                           SUM_MAXMIN_SAL
----------------------------------- --------------
President                                    60000
Administration Vice President                45000
Administration Assistant                      9000
Finance Manager                              24200
Human Resources Representative               13000
Public Relations Representative              15000

19 rows selected.
We can use all these operators (+, -, *, /) as per the needs.

7. SQL Character String Concatenation - Querying with Concatenation Operators:
The two vertical bars || are used for concatenation of characters or string in SQL.
hr@ORA10G> SELECT 'Our ' || job_title || ' earns max salary ' || max_salary FROM jobs;
Our President earns max salary 40000
Our Administration Vice President earns max salary 30000
Our Administration Assistant earns max salary 6000
Our Finance Manager earns max salary 16000
Our Accountant earns max salary 9000
Our Accounting Manager earns max salary 16000
Our Public Accountant earns max salary 9000
Our Sales Manager earns max salary 20000
Our Sales Representative earns max salary 12000
Our Purchasing Manager earns max salary 15000
Our Purchasing Clerk earns max salary 5500
Our Stock Manager earns max salary 8500
Our Stock Clerk earns max salary 5000
Our Shipping Clerk earns max salary 5500
Our Programmer earns max salary 10000
Our Marketing Manager earns max salary 15000
Our Marketing Representative earns max salary 9000
Our Human Resources Representative earns max salary 9000
Our Public Relations Representative earns max salary 10500

19 rows selected.

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