In an earlier post we compared Oracle table columns - Data Type and Data Length. Now we will try to compare the constraints between 2 tables. Below is the perl program which will compare the table constraints. In the Editable Section of the script you may provide DBA user, schema and table information.
use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use List::MoreUtils qw(each_array); ##### Editable section ##### ## DB information for 1st table ##### my $tns1="ora10g"; my $dbauser1="system"; my $dbapass1="motive"; my $schema1="TEST1"; my $table1 = "BOOKS1"; ## DB information for 2nd table ##### my $tns2="ora10g"; my $dbauser2="system"; my $dbapass2="motive"; my $schema2="TEST2"; my $table2 = "BOOKS2"; ##### End Edit section ##### my (%cons_cols1, %cons_cols2); my $dbh1=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$tns1" , $dbauser1 , $dbapass1) || die "db connect fail to $tns1 \n"; my $dbh2=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$tns2" , $dbauser2 , $dbapass2) || die "db connect fail to $tns2 \n"; %cons_cols1 = &getConsColumns($dbh1, $schema1, $table1); %cons_cols2 = &getConsColumns($dbh2, $schema2, $table2); my @col1 = keys %cons_cols1; my @col2 = keys %cons_cols2; print "$schema1-$table1 has constraints in columns: @col1\n"; print "$schema2-$table2 has constraints in columns: @col2\n"; #print Dumper(\%cons_cols1); # print Dumper(\%cons_cols2); print "\n========================================================================\n"; printf "%-20s| %-20s |%-15s\n", "$schema1\.$table1", "\tDESCRIPTION", "\t$schema2\.$table2"; print "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; for my $k (keys %cons_cols1){ unless(($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_name} eq $cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_name}) && ($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_type} eq $cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_type})) { printf "%-20s| %-20s |%-15s\n", "$k($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_name})($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_type})", "\tCons different", "\t$k($cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_name})($cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_type})"; delete($cons_cols1{$k}); delete($cons_cols2{$k}); } } for my $k (keys %cons_cols2){ unless(($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_name} eq $cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_name}) && ($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_type} eq $cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_type})) { printf "%-20s| %-20s |%-15s\n", "$k($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_name})($cons_cols1{$k}{constraint_type})", "\tCons different", "\t$k($cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_name})($cons_cols2{$k}{constraint_type})"; delete($cons_cols1{$k}); delete($cons_cols2{$k}); } } print "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Note:\n \tC (check constraint) \n \tP (primary key) \n \tU (unique key) \n \tR (referential integrity)\n"; print "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; ## Get only those columns which have constraints sub getConsColumns { my $db = $_[0]; my $schemaName = $_[1]; my $tableName = $_[2]; my (%cols, $rec); my $sqlstr = "select acc.COLUMN_NAME, acc.CONSTRAINT_NAME, ac.CONSTRAINT_TYPE from ALL_CONS_COLUMNS acc, ALL_CONSTRAINTS ac ". " where acc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = ac.CONSTRAINT_NAME and ac.table_name=acc.table_name and ac.OWNER = '$schemaName' and ac.TABLE_NAME = '$tableName'"; my $sth=$db->prepare($sqlstr); $sth->execute; for $rec (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) { $cols{$rec->[0]}{constraint_name} = $rec->[1]; $cols{$rec->[0]}{constraint_type} = $rec->[2]; } $sth->finish; return %cols; }Save the program as "". A sample run of the program is below. In the output the constraint name and type are included with each columns. E.g. PRICE is column-name. NEW_UNIQUE is constraint-name, C is constraint type.
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