20 Unix FIND Command Examples For A Linux User

"Hope is a Waking Dream"
As the name, the "Find" command in Unix is used to find files or directories in the system. It has got a good number of options to help us find files in Unix based on time, user, etc. It is a basic Unix Command and it is available by default in most Unix versions - Linux, Solaris, etc.
Here is compiled a list of "Find" command examples that would assist us in our daily Unix tasks:

1. List all the files and folders, including the sub-folders starting from the current directory:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find .

2. List files only in the current directory, don't drill down the subdirectories:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find . -maxdepth 1
...... {truncated}
We can use -maxdepth to drill down to different levels of sub-directories e.g. "-maxdepth 3" to drill down to 3 levels.

3. Find only the folders/directories:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find  .  -maxdepth 1 -type d

4. Find only the files:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find  .  -maxdepth 1 -type f

5. Find files with name:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find . -name "test.pl"

6. Find files through the whole system:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find / -name "*.xml" 2>/dev/null
The re-direction "2>/dev/null" is used to redirect the error messages that may show up whenever the user does not have read permissions on a folder.

7. Find files specifying different directories:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find /opt /var . -name "*.txt"

8. Find files with ignore case of file-name(case insensitive find):
[root@centos55 sarat]# find  . -iname "readme.txt"

9. Find files with size greater than 50MB:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find . -size +50M

10. Find files with size between 50MB and 100MB:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find . -size +50M -size -100M

11. Find files of a particular user:
[root@centos55 sarat]# find / -name "readme.txt" -user oracle

Time related find files:
Use -mtime for modification time in days, -atime for last accessed time in days, and -ctime for last changed time. Similarly, for time in minutes use -mmin, -amin, -cmin.

12. Find files modified less than 10 mins ago:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -maxdepth 1 -mmin -10

13. Find files modified more than 10 mins ago:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -maxdepth 1 -mmin +10

14. Find files accessed more than 10 mins back but less than 30 min:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -cmin +10 -cmin -30

15. Find files modified less than 1 day ago:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -maxdepth 1 -mtime -1

16. Find files modified more than 1 day ago:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -maxdepth 1 -mtime +1

17. Find and delete all .dat files under current directory:
# find . -name "*.dat" -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
The argument '{}' passes each found file into the "rm -rf" command line. The "\;" argument indicates the end of exec command.
Or we can use another command with xargs:
# find . -name "*.dat" xargs rm -rf

18. Find files which contains a particular word(searching for word "strict"in all .pl files):
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -name "*.pl" | xargs grep "strict"
./perl_modules/IO-Tty-1.02/test.pl:use strict;
./perl_modules/Expect-1.21/test.pl:use strict;
Similarly using exec:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -name "*.pl" -exec grep "strict" '{}' \; -print

19. Find files and sort by size:
[sarat@centos55 ~]$ find . -type f -size +10M | xargs du -sh | sort -rn
639M    ./10201_database_linux32.zip
90M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb/
35M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.sysman.console.db/
27M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.rdbms/
26M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.sysman.console.db/
25M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.javavm.containers/
24M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.javavm.server/
22M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.sysman.repository.core/
21M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.jdk/
20M     ./database/stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/

20. Find and print folder size excluding particular folder:
[root@centos55 ]# find . -maxdepth 1 -type d |  egrep -v 'database' | xargs du -sh
1.3G    .
24K     ./.mozilla
4.4M    ./perl_modules
8.0K    ./perl_script

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